I will ask some of the guys in the local office for the lowdown and I'll pass along my findings.Weather forecasts are better than they ever have been. Our local NWSFO runs linux on their workstations, but I don't know if the apps are running remotely or are installed on each workstation. This puts me in the same room with the NWS forecasters, and I get to view their workstations. I am a ham operator and act as net control operator for Skywarn nets. The NOAA has a java weather viewer, but it's a bit of a mess to use.

I found one nifty little NEXRAD viewer called PyRadar, but the programmer abandoned the proggy when the NOAA changed the format of how their site handles their weather data. P Probably why there's a small handful of people who charge a pretty penny to install gempak on your system, and one of them is in the UAE. The crown jewel of forecast apps, Gempak, requires you be a computer engineer to install. Well, I've spent well near the past week tearing up the 'net looking for good weather forecast apps, and I haven't done too well in my search. Some so advanced you will need a cluster to run it on. Just do a search for 'linux' in their forums' Saw something there that there might be a DA port for Linux. Gempak is free and the DA crowd seem to recommend it for Linux. I'm sure there are lots but just elusive to find. Now with that cleared up I am still unsure what you are looking for? The Office develops and recommends policy on NWS and private sector roles, activities, and relationships. The Office develops NWS-wide long-range policy objectives and develops and manages the NWS strategic planning process through implementation. The Strategic Planning and Policy Office provides support to the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services and Deputy Assistant Administrator through the development and implementation of an integrated approach to NWS policy, strategy, and long-range planning processes.

NWS data and products form a national information database and infrastructure which can be used by other governmental agencies, the private sector, the public, and the global community. " The National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas, for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy. National Weather Service Mission Statement National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration So does superkaramba, if you're running kde Not sure what noaa is, but gdesklets has some desklets.